My Book Keep It Moving: Mediations on Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Best Life is now available.
It was developed to free your mind and open yourself up to new possibilities. Walk through life mindful of valid frameworks that develop your purpose and soul. Positive energy, faith, balance, and peace represent your destined pathways. So, seek positive narratives and keep it moving.
The mediations in this book include philosophy, wellness, and spirituality narratives. Use this book to walk in your truth and fulfill the instructions of your soul. The reflections are in chapters like the chapters of our life. Prepare to keep it moving towards healing, resilience, and executed goals. Visualize regained hope, accomplishment, and motivation to live your life as you know it should be.
Current Book Availability:
Hardcover, Paperback, and eBooks are available now through the following:
Archway Publishing, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon
Coming soon:
Audio book
Soft cover ISBN: 9781665735438
Hard cover ISBN: 9781665735421
Ebook ISBN: 9781665735599
I am available for group sessions and speaking engagements about the book.
Be Well,
Dr. Paula